Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 17: Still Freezing

I'm probably never going to get over how gigantic I feel while wearing skinny jeans.  That's why I always layer over a tunic or a short dress.  On this day it was about... oh, minus eleventy million degrees outside.  I wore this underneath my puffy knee-length parka for most of the day spent outside.

dec15 009

dec15 003

The face is cropped out due to weirdness, but you didn't need to see it anyway. ;)

Hairy vest: Old Navy

Hooded sweater:  Gap

Boy beater:  Calvin Klein

Jeans:  Guess

Boots:  Walmart special!

Necklace:  Orangyred Ink from Etsy (more on this later!)

That's all,



Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 16: Slow and Steady

A funny thing happened.  It started snowing a lot.  I started getting cold, and I started wanting to wear warm things.  Warm things such as this faux fur vest that I used to hate.  I've been warm, and I've been liking it.  This is me, warm:

dec6 010

dec6 001

Shirt, skirt, vest, leggings:  Old Navy

Boots:  George

I have tried it with skinnies as well, which will most likely be my next post.  We shall see.

That's all,
